This year we are offering an opportunity for the whole family to learn and share faith together on Sunday mornings after Mass. One or two Sundays per month, we meet after coffee & donuts in the Lower Center to learn and grow closer to Jesus and together as a family. Schedule is available here.

Sacramental Prep for Reconciliation and Eucharist

Sacramental Prep for Reconciliation and Eucharist

If you're interested in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist for your 2nd grade child, please plan to participate with your children in our Families Forming Disciples beginning September 24. Use the QR Code above to find more details, schedule, and to register. Mark your calendar for Parent Orientation on 9/9/24, 7:00 pm in the Lower Center. Here is a checklist for parents wishing to help their child prepare for the sacraments.

Contact Patti Cassidy in the parish office with questions. 728-3845 ext. 228