About The Campaign
In John’s telling of the last supper, we get an insight into Jesus’ heart, into his intimate conversation with his heavenly father. In this beautiful prayer, Jesus asks on our behalf, “That they may all be one. As You, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me” (John 17:21). And so we are called at Christ the King University Parish to be intimately in Christ, so that we enter into true communion with one another.
Yet, it’s in this communion that we bring our entire community to Christ. This is a mission worth living for! I cannot help but believe we are entering into a new springtime in our Church, first because we are coming out of a difficult two years with a renewed desire to be together. Also, the world is waking up to its need for God, and we are seeing the fruit of that in the burst of students and families seeking out our parish.
With this great mission now heating up, we look to the future of our parish. In some ways, we look to the immediate future, to the deferred maintenance projects we have wanted to address for ages. In some ways, we look further out and provide for the next generation, meeting their zeal and energy with our faith and stewardship.
To achieve this vision, we launched our That They May Be One campaign last fall. We have begun working with contractors, architects and consultants to see this project come to fruition. We have drawings, proposals, and blueprints all in the work for our building maintenance and updates. We have raised a substantial amount of money and now we need your help to finish this project.
Give to The Capital Campaign
ALL SIZES AND TYPES OF GIFTS are meaningful and important for Christ the King to successfully complete the goal. You can share your intentions to give through a “Commitment to Give” pledge form. Thank you for your generosity for the future of our faith community!
Commitment to Give Pledge Form
Our Concept Designs
Altar Architect’s Drawing
Seating Architect’s Drawing
First ringing and blessing of new bell tower from Bishop Vetter
Who Are We?
Christ the King University Parish has been serving the community and students of the University of Montana, in Missoula, for over 50 years. After two periods of expansion in the 1990s and early 2000s, Christ the King is again looking at a campaign for capital improvements and growth that will sustain the parish for years to come.
To Achieve this Vision,
We are embarking on the That They May Be One Campaign is the initiative to expand and enhance the effectiveness of our ministry in Missoula.
In 2021 Fr. Kirby Longo created a Capital Campaign Committee to explore the idea of raising money to update, renovate, and support the physical church building as well as the programming of the ministry. This group helped to evaluate the needs of the building and operations to determine some specific projects to fund. These goals will allow Christ the King to create an inviting, attractive, and efficient space that will support our efforts and encourage a greater sense of welcome and community among our community members and students.
A successful capital campaign will provide a dynamic home for Griz Catholic and the Missoula Community as well as provide the financial resources needed to expand and enhance the ministry for all. The more effective ministry will strengthen and enhance the community in northwest Montana and beyond.
Individually, each of us make a significant impact on the spiritual quality of life at Christ the King Parish and Student Center. By working together, we have the privilege and opportunity to make an even greater impact in the world.
Campaign Components
Deferred Maintenance
Roof replacements & office updates
Lower center remodel
Student lounge & Romero remodel
Sacred Space Renewal
Pew Refinishing
Confessional booth for Chapel
Sound engineering
LED lighting updates
Other Expenses
Development Office Set Up
Annual Bishop’s Appeal (2 years)
Campaign Expenses
Diocesan Capital Campaign
Seminarian Financial Support Endowment Fund
Priest & Religious Retirement Endowment Fund
Evangelization Endowment Fund
Cathedral Remodel Fund
Please Prayerfully Consider
how God is calling you to participate in the That They May Be One campaign and give generously. Individually, each of us make a significant impact on the spiritual life of Christ the King Parish and Student Center.
By working together, we have the privilege and opportunity to make an even greater impact in Missoula, on campus, and in the world.