To make Sunday Offerings and other gift options please use the Secure Form below.

We are currently moving online giving to our new secure platform, Vanco. If you currently use OSV or Virtuous for your online donations, please contact Becca Cheff at, (406) 728-3845 ext. 223.

How we Give

At Christ the King, we frame our giving around 4 steps. But none of this is about guilt! If this is what you feel when you hear about giving, discard those feelings, they are not healthy feelings. We want our response to be rooted in love, not guilt. If you have any questions about giving with love and not guilt, please reach out as we love to talk with you! Contact Us Here.

Which is the best next step for you?


Growing in generosity means being intentional about our giving. Planning our giving means that we intentionally set aside money from our budget to give away. An effective way to plan our giving is to give electronically.


Making giving a priority means giving it first place in our budgets. Growing in generosity requires that we don’t give leftovers. We give our “first fruits” back to God..


In planning our gifts, we pick a percentage to give away, keeping in mind the biblical standard of the tithe or giving ten percent back to God. Identify a percentage of your income to give away.


Our goal over time is to increase the percentage of our income that we give away. As God blesses us financially we recognize that we have been blessed to be a blessing.